New Jersey Speeding Ticket

New Jersey Speeding  Ticket (N.J.S.A. 39:4-98)

There are different penalties for speeding, depending on how far over the speed limit you were. In addition to mandatory fines, there are also points associated if you plead or are found guilty of Speeding. If you were 1-14 miles per hour over the posted limit, you are facing a two (2) point ticket. Speeding 15-29 miles per hour over the posted limit has an exposure of four (4) points. Finally, anything over 29 miles per hour over the posted limit is a possible five (5) point violation.

While you should always look for the Speed Limits to be posted, a general rule of thumb is as follows: 

  1. Residential / School Zone = 25 mph
  2. Business Zone = 35 mph
  3. State Highways = 50 mph
  4. NJ Turnpike / Garden State Parkway = 65 mph

In addition to these penalties, your insurance company can issue their own “insurance points” for their records and potentially raise your insurance rates or charge you a surcharge.

Although a speeding ticket is a common moving violation, it still may have serious consequences. Adam Wiseberg is an experienced New Jersey traffic court attorney. If you were pulled over for a New Jersey speeding ticket, you should contact Adam Wiseberg, Esq. at (201) 870-1036 for a free consultation. Adam Wiseberg has represented many clients that have been pulled over and ticketed for speeding, as well as almost all other traffic violations. Adam Wiseberg will work to limit your fine and point exposure at a reasonable price.

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