Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are considered premises liability cases. These cases usually occur when a property owner is negligent in the maintenance, upkeep or repair of the property. If you have fallen and have been injured by the negligence of a property owner, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. Many of these injuries occur at places such as a shopping mall, restaurant, supermarket, sidewalk, or parking lot. Depending on the situation, you may be entitled to compensation for your hospital bills and other medical expenses, lost wages, future health care needs, and pain and suffering.

If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall incident on commercial, residential, or public property, please set up a FREE Consultation with Adam Wiseberg, Esq. today. Adam Wiseberg will provide you a comfortable atmosphere and will work to get you the best possible result. We seek fair compensation for people who have suffered damages due to the negligence of property owners.

Here are some tips if you have had a slip and fall accident: 

  1. Get the names of the owners and managers of the property
  2. Write Down the name and contact information of any witnesses
  3. Take good pictures of the scene and any injuries
  4. Seek medical attention, if necessary
  5. Do not give any type of statement to any insurance adjusters

We provide a strong voice and effective service throughout the state of New Jersey, including Bergen County, Hudson County, Passaic County, Morris County, Essex County, Somerset County, and Ocean County. We also represent clients in New York state, including Rockland County, Westchester County, New York County (Manhattan), Queens County, Bronx County, Kings County (Brooklyn), Richmond County (Staten Island), Nassau County, and Suffolk County.

You Only Pay When You Get Paid!

Adam Wiseberg, Esq. handles slip and fall injury claims on a contingency fee basis. This means that you do not pay any attorneys' fees until we recover damages for you by way of settlement or collected judgment.
FREE Consultation -- No attorneys' fees until we win your case!

Call us now for a FREE consultation
We are available 24/7 to assist you