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Domestic Violence

There are many different forms of Domestic Violence. Most people feel that domestic violence is just physical abuse. That is not necessarily the case. While physical abuse, also known as assault, is one form of domestic violence, there are many nonphysical forms of domestic violence, such as harassment or terroristic threats.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, first you should contact the proper authorities if there is imminent danger. Next you should proceed to obtain a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). The laws are on your side, but you need to provide the court with proofs of the incidents, if possible. Save any emails, texts or other documentation of the alleged incidents, including any photos or medical records. Meeting with an experienced domestic violence attorney like Adam Wiseberg, Esq. is a crucial next step to determine the next steps and discuss what your rights are.

If you are accused of domestic violence, the repercussions of a Final Restraining Order are serious and can effect you in many different ways. There could be severe consequences with your employment, permit to carry a firearm, immigration status, and visitation with your child. Meeting with an experienced domestic violence attorney like Adam Wiseberg, Esq. is a crucial next step to determine the next steps and discuss what your rights are.

New Jersey and New York treat domestic violence restraining orders differently. In New Jersey, if a Final Restraining Order is granted, it is considered a permanent order and will likely stay in place indefinitely until the abused asks for it to be removed and the court grants same.
However, in New York, restraining orders generally have a set period of time for expiration. This time period could be six months, one year, or more, depending on the circumstances.

If you are suffering from domestic violence or being accused of committing an act of domestic violence, you should contact Adam Wiseberg, an experienced domestic violence attorney. You should not try to go through these stressful times without an attorney. Do not take any chances. Call (201) 870-1036 and discuss your case with Adam Wiseberg today.

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