Car Accidents

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, Adam Wiseberg, Esq. can effectively assert your right to compensation for hospital bills and other medical expenses, lost wages, future health care needs, and pain and suffering.  We will begin an immediate investigation into your case and will utilize our resources and experience to address any financial problems, vehicle replacement, and medical care and future medical needs. We seek fair compensation for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians who have suffered damages due to the negligence of other drivers or auto manufacturers

Adam Wiseberg, Esq. handles numerous auto accident cases every year. We provide a strong voice and effective service throughout the state of New Jersey, including Bergen County, Hudson County, Passaic County, Morris County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Somerset County, and Ocean County. We also represent clients in New York, including Rockland County, Westchester County, New York County (Manhattan), Queens County, Bronx County, Kings County (Brooklyn), Richmond County (Staten Island), Nassau County, and Suffolk County.

No Fees Unless You Get Paid!

Adam Wiseberg, Esq. handles car accident claims on a contingency-fee basis. This means there are no attorneys’ fees until we recover your money by way of settlement or collected judgment.
FREE Consultation 24/7

Adam Wiseberg, Esq. is experienced in cases involving:

  1. Neck and back injuries
  2. Head and spinal cord injuries
  3. Paraplegia/quadriplegia
  4. Brain damage
  5. Broken bones
  6. Amputations
  7. Burn injuries/Scarring
  8. Property damage
  9. Uninsured or underinsured motorists
  10. Wrongful death


Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for filing adult personal injury claims for New Jersey is 2 years and for New York it is 3 years. The sooner you contact Adam Wiseberg, the more time your lawyer will have to start your case, gather evidence, and document the scene of the accident.

Call us now for a FREE consultation
We are available 24/7 to assist you